Monday, August 3, 2015

Air time 90.6

Caitlyn, Simone & Magda
 The Horse&River Pub is hosting a blood drive on the 10th of August from 10:00.  To advertise the drive and tell Simone's story Magda organised an interview on 90.6 for Friday 31st at three. Simone and Jason did a really good job with the interview. Caitlyn got roped in with a question or two as well.

We are trying to get hold of a copy of the interview and will add it to the blog for all to hear.
On air

What is on this week?
Today, Monday, the usual blood tests and ... photo day at school. Simone is off to have class and sport photos taken.
Tuesday, Pretoria for blood results, chemotherapy and whatever the day hold.
Wednesday to Friday, class with Mandi.

31 July 2015

Magda Carter has arranged an interview with 90.6 Radio station in the Vaal for Simone. She wanted to get awareness out in the area about the Blood Drive that she would be having on Women's Day for Simone and other Cancer patients.  We all forgot that if it doesn't involve us we are not interested. That is the wrong mindset to have.  Magda has so much love for Simone as she has know her since she was a baby, and she wanted to do something that will help make people aware of how important Blood is needed. Thank you Magda for everything you are doing for Simone! Simone amazes us at every turn